Friday, January 5, 2007

Al Gore - Climate Crisis

I have just finished watching Al Gore's documentary - an inconvenient truth - and I thought I would take the good advice given in the credits and encourage everyone to go out and rent or buy the DVD or even visit the website

I really enjoyed the DVD and it actually answered a lot of questions that I had about global warming but for some reason never looked up. It was amazing to see the effects that we are all having on Antarctica and the implications it is going to cause unless we act now.
Not a day goes by without a major incident occurring, just last week a 25 mile wide ice shelf has broken off an island in the Canadian Arctic and could cause chaos when it starts floating away. I really think that pretty soon all this "global warming" stuff that I for one have fobbed off is really going to start to hit home.


Anonymous said...

Hey Munster,

I also enjoyed the DVD. To be honest, I never had much time for Al Gore but seeing him in that light was definitely refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.